那天在路上看到樂金LG 253公升Smart 變頻上下門冰箱GN-L305SV ,覺得超級心動~~馬上回家搜尋有沒有在特價,結果發現XD

在這裡購買樂金LG 253公升Smart 變頻上下門冰箱GN-L305SV 有限時折扣優惠,趕快跟大家分享這個好消息


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  • 變頻一級省電

  • 冷藏196公升冷凍容量 57公升

  • 最新出版
  • 壓縮機10年保固


































樂金LG 253公升Smart 變頻上下門冰箱(GN-L305SV)







LG 冰箱, GN-L305SV, Smart 變頻上下門冰箱, Smart 變頻 節能省電一級效能新機種, Smart 變頻上下門冰箱, 精緻銀, 253公升, 變頻一級省電, 魔術保鮮蓋 保留蔬果水份, 內部LED光源 省電省能源, 移動式製冰盒 靈活使用冷凍空間


















































































































LED 內部光源


白色的 LED 光源較一般燈泡省電,且能減少能源消耗,不只具備環保概念,耐用度與明亮度更同時兼具。































































1級能效 更環保省電


採用 Smart變頻壓縮機,能偵測冰箱溫度,調整壓縮機運轉,達到節能效果。同時,結合3D立體冷流設計,使能源效率提升至第一級。






























































































品牌 LG樂金
型號 GN-L305SV
顏色 銀色系
產地 印尼
尺寸 555mm x 1665mm x 620mm
重量 50kg
公升數區間 300公升以下
實際公升數 253
電壓/頻率 110V/60HZ
馬達型式 變頻
門數 雙門
開門方向 右開
耗電量 28kW.h/月
噪音值 -
能源效率 第1級
能源標章 有節能標章
環保冷媒 -
全機保固 1年
壓縮機保固 10年以上
安裝說明 含基本安裝
注意事項 ●選購冰箱時需考量家中門是否能夠足夠空間可以搬運冰箱,建議家中門所需搬運空間為冰箱寬度 + 20公分(左右各10公分),還須考量家中門的厚度與門鎖的長度是否會影響搬運。●另外位於2樓以上的住戶,購買冰箱時也需考量樓梯間的寬度是否可以搬運所購買的冰箱。◎依照消費者保護法規定,消費者均享有產品到貨十天猶豫期之權益非式用期,退回產品必須是全新狀態且包裝完整 ( 保持產品、附件、包裝、廠商紙箱及所有附隨文件或資料之完整性) ,否則恕不接受退貨,若非新品暇疪客戶已安裝要求退貨,會另收取拆裝費用。◎本商品含標準安裝服務+運送到府+舊機回收(不另外加收樓層費用),但如因為住家環境或運送安裝途中無法正常配送(如需吊車搬運、拆卸門窗等),導致另外費用產生須由消費者自行負擔!◎本產品一經安裝,不得退貨,也無法退回已回收之舊機 ,安裝前請務必確認機型是否為各位網友所需。◎本產品文案為原廠所提供,若有變動敬請參照實際商品為準。◎本產品網頁因拍攝關係,圖檔略有差異,實際以廠商出貨為主 。◎本產品係由生產廠商或供應商免費提供基本運送, 若因地處偏遠、或其他特殊情形(例如:天災或道路狀況不良),致使所物流車輛無法於正常狀況下送抵,而需另以其他方式處理時,所衍生之費用,須由訂購人自行支付供貨廠商。




樂金LG 253公升Smart 變頻上下門冰箱GN-L305SV 討論,推薦,開箱,CP值,熱賣,團購,便宜,優惠,介紹,排行,精選,特價,周年慶,體驗,限時




By Shelley Shan / Staff reporter

Traffic on the streets near the Ministry of Transportation and Communications in Taipei was held up for about three hours yesterday morning as hundreds of drivers protested regulations imposed after a deadly tour bus fire last month.

Members of the New Taipei City T介紹our Bus Drivers’ Union said 200 buses and 400 drivers were mobilized, with buses stopping on Renai and Hangzhou S roads, paralyzing traffic.

Protesters gathered at the front of the building and demanded that the regulations be relaxed.

About a dozen protesters pushed past barriers at the ministry’s main entrance and entered the lobby.

A few protesters went to the 19th floor, demanding to see Minister of Transportation and Communications Hochen Tan (賀陳旦).

The protest ended after two hours of talks between union representatives and ministry officials.

Union chairman Lee Shih-chia (李式嘉) said it is almost certain that the bus driver killed in the July 19 bus fire was suicidal, but people are focused on the issue of bus operators buying vehicle parts from overseas and having them assembled in Taiwan.

The ministry reinforced that impression by launching a massive crackdown on tour bus operators, Lee said.

Some operators said that the government wants tour buses to pass an excessively high standard of safety, requiring buses to be in use for only a certain number of years.

However, operators cannot get a return on investment if they were to follow the regulations, they said, adding that the government should prevent public bus operators from branching out into the tourism industry.

Transportation Management Center chief secretary Lin Fu-shan (林福山) said the ministry has explained that a tour bus does not equate to an assembled bus.

The union said its members have received 46 tickets since July 23 for failing to follow the new safety requirements.

Lin said 14 of the penalties — fines for not being able to easily open emergency exits — would not be rescinded.

The remaining 34 cases involved locks or other devices on emergency exits, Lin said, adding that drivers need not pay a fine if it could be shown that the devices were factory-installed.

In that case, the manufacturers of the bus’ body would pay the fine instead, he said.

The Directorate-General of Highways said that protesters listed 13 demands.

It promised to hold a meeting within one week to discuss some of them.













這件竊案的手法似乎模仿1963年的電影「火車大劫案(Great Train Robbery)」,一幫英國匪徒從1列夜間郵件火車上,搶走了260萬英鎊。

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